The Foundation for Business Aircraft Records Excellence

Why aircraft records are important to the Business Aviation Industry

The business aircraft industry has always been a leader in developing ideas and technology that increase the safety and efficiency of the aircraft it operates. From better crew training and cockpit awareness, to advanced avionics and safety management systems; our industry strives to continuously improve. Aircraft records and recordkeeping is one of the last frontiers to receive this kind of focus from our industry. But better aircraft records and recordkeeping will mean safer aircraft, more efficient aircraft operations, a greater professional image of the people maintaining these aircraft, and an even greater professional image of the industry itself.

 Why aircraft records are important to Aircraft Operators and MROs

Quality and performance are paramount to both aircraft operators and maintenance organizations alike. However, quality and performance features require quality people to do the work. To attract these kinds of people in numbers sufficient to satisfy the growing demands of our industry, we must be able to provide both a competitive wage (compared to other industries) and an attractive work environment. Better aircraft records and recordkeeping will not only bring increased efficiency to our industry, it will reduce the cost of the maintenance and operations of our aircraft allowing us to be competitive.

Why aircraft records are important to Aircraft Owners and Maintenance Professionals

Comprehensive and organized records reflect a more attractive, higher perceived value of an aircraft and the maintenance professionals who create and maintain the aircraft’s records. History demonstrates that this greater perceived value most often equates to an increase in real monetary value.

Things We Do

aircraft records blogs & articles

We publish Blogs, Articles, and relevant news items on Logbook issues and important maintenance related topics.

aircraft records education
We produce educational courses designed to help aircraft maintenance professionals better understand the documents we use every day in Business Aviation.
Talks and Seminars

We offer public speaking presentations and educational seminars on subjects related to aircraft documentation and best practices of aircraft record keeping.

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